Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Little Milk Monster turns ONE!

As the LMM's actual birthday 29th Sept 2008 falls on a Monday, we had 2 mini celebrations for the LMM on Sat and Sun. One at my mami's home and the other one at Fisherman Village with Leadwe's family.

27 Sept 2008 : Sat Celebration at MaMa House:
Mama and Grand-dad made popiah for lunch. It was super spicy and delicious (ha.. anything that is spicy is good for LMM's Mami). MaMa bought so many presents for the LMM. A pair of sandals, a pair of shoes, a huge blue pony (which the LMM was terrified of for a couple of days), beach toys, Ang Pow. She also bought him a HUGE durian cake which we all enjoyed eating. Yes, LMM ate some as well. Its his birthday lah... Gina (Ford), give him a break! Thanks MaMa, Thanks Grand-dad!

Sept 2008 : Sun Celebration at Fisherman:
NaiNai and YeYe, Shen Shen (Lee Lee) and Shu Shu (Lixuan) were all there to celebrate his birthday! The owner of the restaurant is NaiNai's BFF (Best Friend Forever in case you don't know, its a hip term I learnt on radio what Paris Hilton uses for her BFFs) and she gave the LMM an Ang Pow as well. Shen Shen and Shu Shu bot the LMM a basketball rim and a basket ball. Yes, he loves BALLS and he has LOADS of balls. You name it, he has it.. basketball, soccer ball, rubgy ball, blue ball, pink ball, big ball, small ball etc etc..... Ye Ye and Nai Nai bot him a nice baby bicycle. He always looks so smug when he rides that bicycle. ;) Mami and Dadi bot a nice black forest cake for the celebration. The LMM was so intrigued by the little flame on the single candle...that helped when we were taking photos. Although he didn't know how to blow out the candles, he managed to hold the knife (with Mami of coz) to cut his own birthday cake.

Thanks Nai Nai, Ye Ye, Shen Shen & Shu Shu!

Mami and Daddy Presents:
Frankly, we ran out of ideas of what to get him. We bot him another soccer ball because we figured that he loves balls anyway. Then Mami saw a lego school bus and she bot that too. And then she saw a nice pair of Crocs sandals and she bot that too... ;)

Other lovely presents:
Auntie Felicia bot the LMM the famous fabric book - Counting Numbers.Its the very book I have deliberated whether to buy for so long coz its so damn expensive - $74.... Thanks Auntie Fel!!!

Auntie Shervone bot the LMM a cute squashy red van - he loves anything with wheels so its now his HFT (Hot Favorite Toy) during breakfast time. Thanks Auntie Shervone!

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