Tuesday, September 30, 2008

12 months onwards...

From what I read, there are a couple of things to note when the LMM turns 12 months:
1. We should encourage him to drink his milk from the beaker - I did that for a while but found feeding him milk via the bottle most convenient. Ok, noted.. I will try to introduce the beaker at breakfast time tomorrow.
2. He can finally eat egg whites, peanuts, fish - He is already ok with fish. I am abit apprehensive about egg whites and I am super apprehensive about getting him to eat peanuts. Think we will hold this back til he is 1.5years old at least.
3. He can drink Enfalac's stage 3 milk (which costs just S$28 per tin!! Yeah!!!!)
4. He should be able to go to bed by himself -I imagined this to be a challenge but I tried that today. All the while, I have been putting him on our queen size bed during bed time, surrounding him with the pillows, letting him roll around, whine, etc until he falls asleep. During the whole time, I will be lying down on the bed, keeping real quiet. After he falls asleep, I transfer him to the cot which is positioned next to my bed. I have been doing that for at least a couple of months now... today, i tried to do the same with the only big difference: I put the LMM in his cot with one of my pillows to simulate a familiar environment while I lie on my bed (next to the cot). I still keep real quiet. He protests and stands up with the help of the cot railings. I told him to go to bed and I pat the pillow. I told him once. After that, I kept quiet. He mulled and rolled around in the cot, just like he would do on the queen size bed. Then, I noticed that he got sleepier and sleepier.. and i left the room. He never made a fuss . Guess he fell asleep shortly after. ;) Nice.

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