Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Third Tooth ("TTT")

TTT is finally coming out... it's location? Well, its one of the two upper front teeth. I guess his gums are itching quite badly but unfortunately, the little milk monster's not interested in all the teething toys we bought for him. He prefers to grab our fingers (or whatever he can grab! Shoulder...legs..neck..nose) into his mouth, leaving visible teeth marks on our skin.

With his new eating tools, we now chop up his food instead of putting his grub into the blender. He manages to gum the food into a smooth paste before swallowing (pardon the excessive details..only mothers will understand here..)

It's fun with the LMM around. He now loves to walk around the house, mostly searching for his papa. His favourite game is peek-a-boo for now.

Papa bought the LMM several paste-on-the-wall type colourful posters in consultation with papa's colleague who incidentally is also a papa.. The first poster contained all the alphabets and the other contained shapes. Hope that these will keep the LMM occupied as he loves to walk up to the cabinets (to try open them up).. we'll be pasting these posters on the cabinets this time.

The weekend beckons again. I wonder if the skies will clear so that we can all go swimming. Its been raining for too long.

mami bel

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