Thursday, December 20, 2007

Life as a Baby.. It's Tough..

I pity Travis. It's really no fun being a baby.

Think about it.
You have to use whatever limited sounds you can muster in order to get your basic needs settled, when the stupid adults cannot get it right, you have to cry your lungs out while they fumble to try to guess what you need..and sigh, you wait til they get it right. Sometimes they never do.

You always get photographed naked even though the adults will gwak how R.A. it is.

The adults keep parroting whatever you say.

You always get pinched in the cheeks by relatives (and even your parents!?!) coo-ing,"so fat!So cute! Make me want to pinnnnch his cheeks!" You sometimes get poked, tickled and slapped as well.

While the adults have their delicious aromatic meals, you can only dream of eating those food.. you are only given milk and water 24-7 for now. sianz...

You have no say in what you wear.. if you are a boy, your mami will very likely dress you up as a girl like this ballerina photo..or if you are lucky as a rapper...or if you are unfortunate, you end up looking like a da chang jing knock-off..

Poor thing. Hang in there Travis!


Anonymous said...

so cute!

Betty "CC" Gray said...

This is soo funny! Poor baŏ baŏ! :-)