Merry Christmas!!!
Travis celebrated his first Christmas this year. The above photo was taken at my family's Christmas dinner party. So finally, the LMM will be turning 3 month old on 29 dec and I will be returning back to work very shortly.I will definitely miss the wonderful times I had in the first 3 months and look forward to being a working mother.
Today, I spent some time teaching the LMM numbers ONE and TWO using flash cards and a magnetic board. Not sure what he absorbed from the session but I believe that babies are smarter than we think they are. I asked him to look at one of the numbers, checking that his eyes are laid on the correct flash card before rewarding him with a kiss. Otherwise, I ask him to try again. Maybe its my imagination but he seemed to understand the game.
The LMM and I went to the Isetan sale this morning. We left the house at 7.30am, took bus 36 to Orchard and saw the snaking queue outside Isetan scotts at 8am. I prepped myself to execute the extraction method of Shopping. aka. go in, whack all the items I need, run to cashier, pay and get out. So I was done by 9am. =) taking the bus again back home, in time for his 10.30am feed. I bought a baby carrier, a musical mobile, an extra headsupport for the car seat,
more photos taken recently: