Friday, February 27, 2009

He Talks!

Verbal communication with the LMM has moved to a higher level.  

Travis: "Murk! Murk!"
Mami Bel: "It's Mi-elk, MILK, not Murk!"

After milk....
Mami Bel: " You want Oats? Oats?"
Travis: shakes head and says "Cheeze! Cheeze!" trying to pry open the fridge persistently

After eating Oats (Mami asks for fun. He always has to eat his oats anyway.)...
Travis: "Papa!"
 Mami: "Papa is sleeping dear."
Travis: "Papa!" ignores Mami and walks to the bed and tries to climb into it

After everyone ate breakfast
Travis: "Park! Park!"
Mami: " ok, pack your toys"
Travis: walks over and puts his things into the toy box, places the storybooks on the side table
and then heads to the shoe cabinet to look for his shoes


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