Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Not crawling at all...

If he ever crawls, its backwards!

Sometimes I wonder if he'll ever master the art of crawling at all. His favourite past time seems to be holding on to the ottoman or whatever low lying furniture he can grab while standing up. And he refuses to sit when we try to get him into the tripod sit position. Screaming like a chicken when we insist.

I hope he crawls soon. Then again, from the countless warnings I have received about babies who have started crawling all over the house, maybe waiting for a month or two isn't such a bad idea...

We've not been doing the "Let's bring the Baby out" thingy for some time since the hand foot mouth problem started here in Singapore. Hopefully, this virus gets eliminated soon. I so badly want to take him out for a swim in his new wake-boarding pants. Let's see..

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